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Battery Nutrunner DA2power

Reliable, lightweight and flexible. The all-rounder among the bolting tools

Our expert for fast and mobile working

  • High speed thanks to 4-speed gearbox
  • Integrated free rotation
  • Patented 360° free rotation for completely recoilless working and flexible access to bolted connections
  • Transparent working through Smart Device: displays the bolting progress and device information
  • IoT charger indicates battery charge for more reliable job planning
  • Battery limit control: proactive torque and battery monitoring
Zu sehen ist akkubetriebener Drehmomentschrauber DA2power von Plarad.
Battery limit control: Proactive torque and battery monitoring
High working speed due to 4 gears
Patented 360° swivel joint

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Application examples

  • 7 sizes up to 8,000 Nm- 4-speed gearbox + 15 electric power settings
  • 2 additional loosening steps
  • 5.2 Ah Li-Ion high-power batteries with a permanently 75% higher power output
  • Integrated free rotation
  • Power-Line can be upgraded  to Docu- and Safety-Line
  • Now also available as angle version

Basic-reaction arm

Pin-reaction arm

Adjustable reaction arm

More reaction arms

Also available in the following versions:

The specialist: ideal for reliable and precise documentation of bolting connections.

The mover: specially designed for opening and closing valves and rotary movements.

The expert in safety: minimising the risk of injury with two-handed operation.